Can you get rid of your student loans by filing for bankruptcy?

Two experts in higher education policy explain the high hurdles that must be cleared to use bankruptcy to escape crushing student loan debt.

To pay for college, more students are promising a piece of their future to investors

As the Department of Education announces an experiment with income share agreements, the debate about these financial tools is growing louder

A college president’s advice to college students of the future: Don’t borrow

A college president’s advice to college students of the future: Don’t borrow

Education Dept. Unveils Fix For Student Loan Program’s ‘Bureaucratic Nightmare’

The U.S. Department of Education revealed Thursday that it will simplify the process for borrowers to apply for an expansion of the troubled Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program

How College Loans Strain Families, Not Just Students

A new book looks at how the struggle to pay for college has transformed the experience of the American middle class.

A modern financial dilemma: Will I retire before paying off my student loans?

How far into people’s lives should student debt reach? As the amount owed by older Americans climbs, questions arise about everything from effects on the economy to what supports are needed to help people get solvent.

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