Pittman & Darling-Hammond: Surveys Find Parents Want Bold Changes in Schools — With More Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom

To jump-start the bold changes parents want, educators and policymakers must support learning that extends beyond the school day, the school walls, the school staff and the traditional school approaches

How to Build Students’ Math Confidence With Culturally Sustaining Teaching Practices

When math seems disconnected from everyday life, it makes it easy for students to claim it’s not their thing. Instead, highlighting math’s connection to concrete examples and students’ everyday context communicates that math is all over the place.

6 ways to beat COVID’s academic and emotional ‘Thriving Gap’

A social, emotional, and academic “thriving gap” opened up between in-person and remote high school students during the pandemic, new research has found.

DeBaun: Virtual Advising Can Combat COVID Melt and Ensure HS Students Make it to College. 3 Steps Schools Can Take

By creating a thoughtful and robust virtual advising plan, schools can help ensure that their students have the support and resources they need to keep moving forward on their college journey

1 In 3 Parents “Feel Sick” When Helping Their Children With Math & Science

A new survey has shown that 1 in 3 parents reported feeling physically ill when they help their children with math and science work

Recent Study Highlights How Role Models Impact Girls’ Confidence In STEM

A recent survey shows that it's not a lack of aptitude, but rather a lack in confidence and mentorship that turns girls away from STEM careers.

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