Albright: Physical Health Is Only Part of What Makes a School Safe. 4 Ways to Include Student Mental Health in Reopening Plans

The pandemic has shined a spotlight on the need for a broader definition of school safety, one that considers the social and emotional needs of the school community

Analysis: Remote and Hybrid Learning Have Been Difficult for HS Students. 8 Steps They Say Teachers Can Take to Keep Them Motivated

Remote and hybrid learning have been difficult for high school students. 8 steps they say teachers can take to keep them motivated

Vaccines For Youth 12 & Up Expected This Summer, But Schools Unlikely To Require Shots

Kids 12 and up expected to be approved for COVID-19 shots sometime this summer, but school vaccine mandates for K-12 appear highly unlikely in the fall

Education Through a Pandemic: From Kentucky Offering a ‘Do-Over’ School Year to Massachusetts Waiving Graduation Tests for Class of 2022, 9 Ways States Are Confronting COVID Learning Loss

Education through a pandemic: From Kentucky offering a ‘do-over’ school year to Massachusetts waiving graduation tests for class of 2022, nine ways states are confronting COVID-19 learning loss

Tantrums Are Coming: Neurodiversity Therapists Share 10 Tried & True Strategies For All Types Of Kids

Parents can expect meltdowns as kids get back to the classroom and the world. The same strategies that help neurodiverse children cope with everyday stimuli can also help kids of all types feel safe and regulated.

Elementary School Openings Pose Less Risk Of COVID Transmission, Confirms Study

A new study has indicated that elementary schools being open for in-person learning doesn't increase the risk of coronavirus transmission

‘Not The Kind of Growth We Need’: Despite Some Recovery of Learning Lost During Pandemic, Test Results Reveal Large Gaps

New data shows winter #reading and #math performance in grades 1-8 approaching normal levels, but experts say there’s not enough growth to close the gaps

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