Most Students Have Experienced Mental Health Challenges During Pandemic, Survey Reveals. But There are Reasons for Optimism

New poll finds most students have experienced mental health challenges during the pandemic — yet youth have been remarkably resilient

AP-NORC poll: Learning setbacks a top concern for parents

Parents across the U.S. are conflicted about reopening schools. Most are at least somewhat worried that a return to the classroom will lead to more coronavirus cases, but there’s an even deeper fear that their children are falling behind in school while at home.

The Foreign Language Learning Styles According To Science

What language learning style do you have? Science can help you find out

Rabbitt: Teaching Students in Person and Online at the Same Time Is a Huge Challenge. 4 Ways to Bridge the Home-Classroom Gap

Teaching students in person and online at the same time is a huge challenge. 4 ways to bridge the home-classroom gap

States Target Learning Loss with Summer School and Extended Days, but Some Parents Want Option to Hold Kids Back

States Target Learning Loss with Summer School and Extended Days, but Some Parents Want Option to Hold Kids Back

Covid ‘may leave 12 million children unable to read’

More than half of all children who turn 10 this year will reach their milestone birthday without being able to read a simple sentence, according to a new analysis of UN data.

Is computer code a language or math? MIT study uses brain scans for answers

Is computer code a language or math? MIT study uses brain scans for answers. How our brains interpret computer code could impact how we teach it.

As U.K. Variant Spurs Lockdowns Abroad and Takes Hold in U.S., Schools Should Be Prepared To ‘Pivot Quickly,’ Experts Say

As U.K. Variant Spurs Lockdowns Abroad and Takes Hold in U.S., Schools Should Be Prepared To ‘Pivot Quickly,’ Experts Say

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