An Encouraging Consensus on Character Education

Is character education making a comeback in schools? Here are some recommendations for developing compassion, courage, determination, fairness, grit, honesty, patience, respect, responsibility, self-motivation, and temperance.

Confused by your kid’s math homework? Here’s how it all adds up

Elementary school students are taught math in ways that can make parents’ heads spin, but there are good reasons for the new methods

Video: CDC Director Talks Revised Social Distancing Guidelines For Schools, Spotlights New Studies Showing That, in Many Situations, 3 Feet Between Students Is Safe

Video: CDC Director Talks Revised Social Distancing Guidelines For Schools, Spotlights New Studies Showing That, in Many Situations, 3 Feet Between Students Is Safe

U.S. Competitiveness Begins With K-12 Language Learning

The future of the U.S.'s global competitiveness depends on K-12 Language Learning. In today's globalized world, multilingual skills are more important than ever as 75% of the world does not speak English.

‘Explicit instruction’ provides dramatic benefits in learning to read

When it comes to learning to read, new research suggests that explicit instruction -- a phonics teaching method in which the relationship between sound and spelling is taught directly and systematically -- is more effective than self-discovery through reading.

CDC’s About-Face on Social Distancing Likely to Pave Way for More Children to Return to Class, but Teachers Unions Express Skepticism

Three feet of social distancing is sufficient in classrooms as long as students wear masks, according to new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance announced Friday.

Inside the Massachusetts Study that Helped Change the CDC’s Stance on Social Distancing

Inside the Massachusetts Study that Helped Change the CDC’s Stance on Social Distancing

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