Where have all the kindergartners gone?

Kindergarten enrollment is down nationally, and the haphazard mix of alternatives has experts worried about who will be ready for first grade in fall 2021

Growing Evidence Indicates It Is Safe to Reopen School Buildings

The number of schools resuming in-person instruction continues to grow, as the U.S. ramps up its vaccination campaign and daily coronavirus cases continue to decline.

Analysis: Learning Loss Update — Districts Quiet on How They Plan to Help Students Recover From a Year of Continued Disruption

Learning loss update — school districts are quiet on how they plan to help students recover from a year of continued disruption

Watch: Dr. Fauci Says CDC Guidance For Schools May Be Changing to Permit 3 Feet Between Students in Classrooms

Dr. Fauci says CDC guidance for schools may be changing to permit 3 feet between students in the classroom

Distance learning changed California education. What’s here to stay?

As schools across California welcome back more students on campus, some distance learning practices look likely to survive the pandemic.

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