Math learning taking a hit during COVID

When it comes to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, the “M” for math is often an afterthought. But that needs to change to combat math learning loss due to COVID-19

High school students tend to get more motivated over time

Increasing students' sense of 'belonging' in school was one key way of increasing academic motivation

Finding the silver linings in a pandemic

The move to distance learning has laid bare the disconnect between schools and families—and showed us a way to heal the rift

More Lawmakers Are Leading Efforts to Reopen Some Schools By Statute — And Not Just in Red States

Only a handful of states have mandated a return to in-person schooling. But several are now considering proposals that would require districts to offer live instruction to students

How To Know If Online Tutoring Is Right For Your Tween

Online tutoring has existed for years, but is it right for your kids? Parents should consider several factors when choosing a tutor for their children

Over Two-Thirds of Parents Have to Use Google to Help Kids with Schoolwork, Study Finds

Over Two-Thirds of Parents Have to Use Google to Help Kids with Schoolwork, Study Finds

4 Easy Ways to Engage Girls in Engineering on Girl Day, 2021

On Girl Day—and all year 'round!—engage girls in engineering with these four easy steps from DiscoverE.

Public school parents consider pandemic leap to private schools

Across the U.S., parents are growing frustrated with public schools as K-12 students record low performance with distant learning. Now lawmakers are proposing to allow families to use public funds to pay for private or homeschool.

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