Report: Pentagon Says STEM Education Deficit is Weakening America

The United States risks losing its competitive advantage if it continues with its business-as-usual approach and fails to equip its students and future workforce with a strong STEM education and skills, warns Pentagon

PE is what kids need to beat the ‘COVID slide’

A generation of students with less access to exercise, play, and socialization are facing a growing crisis in physical and mental health. PE may be the answer.

PROOF POINTS: Even older teens benefit from catch-up classes

Even older teens benefit from catch-up classes. Long-term study of Israeli high school students finds higher incomes in adulthood

Pediatricians: schools must reopen now to relieve children’s suffering

Schools must reopen now to relieve children's suffering, urge pediatricians

Summer School Is a Hot Idea Right Now. Could It Work?

Numerous obstacles make extending the school year a tough proposition, but the Biden administration wants to put billions behind it as a way of offsetting pandemic-era learning losses.

Six Myths about Emergent Bilinguals

Busting 6 myths about bilingual children

5 Activities to Get Kids Writing in Every Subject

Research demonstrates that writing can boost learning in almost any content area, including math, science, and social studies. (video)

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