Lost Learning, Lost Students: COVID Slide Not as Steep as Predicted, NWEA Study Finds — But 1 in 4 Kids Was Missing from Fall Exams

Lost learning, lost students: The COVID-19 slide wasn't as steep as predicted, NWEA study finds — but 1 in 4 kids was missing from fall exams

Analysis: What Do Parents Think About K-12 Education During & After COVID-19? Schools Are in Crisis, But Better Days Are Ahead, Survey Finds

What are parents thinking about K-12 education during & after COVID-19? Schools are in crisis, but better days are ahead, survey finds

Sustaining curiosity, collaboration, and connectedness in a pandemic

Sustaining students' curiosity, collaboration, and connectedness is critical to remote learning success during the pandemic

Foreign language learning leads to cognitive benefits in students, experts say

Foreign language learning leads to cognitive benefits in students, experts say

More people with bachelor’s degrees go back to school to learn skilled trades

More people with bachelor’s degrees go back to school to learn skilled trades. Trend highlights how some students who get four-year educations don’t use them

The importance of supporting students’ connection to curiosity

Without encouragement and support, students will often stop questioning, inquiring, exploring, and will lose their natural sense of wonder about the world around them

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