As remote learning spreads, so have cyberattacks. Are schools ready?

Schools are learning lessons that will serve them after the pandemic, like how to thwart hackers. As they have in many ways, schools are rising to the challenge and adapting to new threats.

How schools can reduce parents’ anxiety during the pandemic

Schools can impact the mental health and well-being of not just students but their parents, too.

(A New) Class Is In Session: How To Incorporate AI In Education

It’s time for schools to reevaluate their approach to teaching kids about artificial intelligence technology that’s only becoming more commonplace.

How to make student-teacher communication work

As distance learning continues, determining best practices for digital student-teacher communication is essential

How to make this unusual school year a little easier: Experts, students share tips

A therapist, a professional organizer and two students share tips about how to stay organized and motivated while taking classes online during the pandemic.

Samsung Launches $2M Solve for Tomorrow Contest for STEM Education

Samsung has announced the 11th annual Solve for Tomorrow Contest, a challenge for students and teachers in grades 6 to 12 to tackle local issues of national importance in pursuit of a total of $2 million in potential awards toward STEM education

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