Is there a national teacher shortage? Here’s what we know and don’t know

Is there a national teacher shortage? Here’s what we know and don’t know

10 Best Examples Of VR And AR In Education

10 inspiring examples of how XR technology (augmented, mixed, and virtual reality) is being used in the world of training and education to provide immersive experiences for students and professionals.

Adolescent Brains Are Wired to Want Status and Respect: That’s an Opportunity for Teachers and Parents

Adolescent Brains Are Wired to Want Status and Respect: That’s an Opportunity for Teachers and Parents

CDC’s About-Face on Social Distancing Likely to Pave Way for More Children to Return to Class, but Teachers Unions Express Skepticism

Three feet of social distancing is sufficient in classrooms as long as students wear masks, according to new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance announced Friday.

Dobard: Educational Innovation Isn’t Just the Technology, It’s the Teaching. How Educators Are Getting Creative in the Pandemic

Educational innovation isn’t just the technology, it’s the teaching. How educators are getting creative in the pandemic

Report: New Summer Learning Initiative, Launched Last Year as a 5-Week Pilot for Nearly 12,000 Students, Shows Promise For Improving Online Instruction

As the pandemic shuttered schools last year, a group of education leaders launched a virtual learning pilot that reached over 11,000 kids last summer. Early grades, from both teachers and students, were positive

How Texas Teachers Are Prioritizing Basic Skills as Instruction Time Gets Crunched During the Pandemic

With limited time in front of students, teachers have to pick which skills to prioritize. Here are some of the literacy skills that made the cut in San Antonio K-2 classrooms, including lists of words

New review says the ineffective ‘learning styles’ theory persists in education

A new review by Swansea University reveals there is widespread belief, around the world, in a teaching method that is not only ineffective but may actually be harmful to students

How Parents and Schools Can Work Together to Keep Math Learning on Track

In this time of disrupted traditional instruction, it’s more important than ever for parents and teachers to work together to support their children’s math learning

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