Knowledge is a process of discovery: how constructivism changed education

Constructivism is an educational philosophy that underpins the inquiry-based method of teaching, where the teacher facilitates a learning environment in which students discover answers for themselves.

How K-12 leaders are closing the digital divide

Educators work to ensure digital equity for students by shifting mindsets and improving professional development

Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in the Classroom

According to research, nurturing prosocial behaviors may improve academic outcomes—both classroom grades and test scores.

Why Teachers Want Math with More Human Ties

Math teachers are trying to shift the lens through which students interact with the subject by prioritizing how math affects people and celebrating what individuals contribute when doing math.

Wiener: Student Belonging Is Essential to Success. Education Policies Must Ensure School Is a Place Where Every Child Belongs

Accountability debates tend to center on test scores and graduation rates. Taking responsibility for student belonging should also be part of the definition of school success, says writer

Lacking Training, Teachers Develop Their Own SEL Solutions

A new survey shows nearly half of teachers feel their schools do not have adequate support for their students’ social and emotional needs.

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