Book Excerpt: School Leader Diane Tavenner on Helping Students to Engage in Class and Teachers Finding That ‘Sweet Spot’ Between Kids Failing to Learn and Learning to Fail

How schools and teachers can find the ‘sweet spot’ between kids failing to learn and learning to fail

The Best Way to Help Children Remember Things? Not “Memorable Experiences”

The difference between “Episodic Memory” and “Semantic Memory,” and what it means for teaching and learning

Lesaux and Jones: Is This High-Quality Preschool Really Working? To Find Out, Parents Should Ask About These Unseen Things

While family preschool tours should focus on the practical things children need, parents should also ask about the professional resources, strategies and supports that enable teachers to be at their best

Can Putting Devices Away Build Character?

Taking place on Sept. 27, Character Day focuses on building social-emotional traits such as empathy, perspective, curiosity and perseverance in students.

Fisher: Who You Know — 3 Ways Schools Can Foster Competency-Based Education by Focusing on Student Relationships

3 ways schools can foster competency-based education by focusing on student relationships

Aldeman: We Think We Know How to Teach Reading, but We Don’t. What Else Don’t We Know, and What Does This Mean for Teacher Training?

We think we know how to teach reading, but we don’t. What else don’t we know, and what does this mean for teacher training?

How to Create Deeper Student Learning Experiences Through Authentic Questions

When teachers give students the space to pursue inquiry, kids can take more ownership of their own learning and generate authentic questions.

Math curriculum needs to get back to using ‘more numbers than words,’ says teacher

After declining math scores Ontario is grappling with how to make improvements by 'using more numbers than words'

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