CTE Classes Are Popular, but Only 25% of Students Take Courses That Could Lead to the Nation’s Biggest Industries, New Study Finds

CTE classes are popular — but only 25% of students take courses that could lead to nation’s biggest industries

For Kids With Anxiety, Parents Learn To Let Them Face Their Fears

For some kids with anxiety disorders, a new study suggests the best treatment might be teaching their parents new parenting skills.

Digital Literacy Programs Prepare Students for a Tech-Enabled Future

Peer-to-peer digital citizenship programs help students navigate the internet safely throughout their academic and professional careers.

How K–12 Schools Should Define and Act on Digital Learning

A more student-centered learning approach blends the best of the traditional classroom with more modern, digital learning environment tools and tactics.

We need a big bet on technology literacy and education to move America forward

"We need a big bet on technology literacy and education to move America forward," says Khan Academy founder Sal Khan

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