OPINION: We need a SpaceX for assessment
We need a SpaceX for assessment, says writer. Testing must be improved, not scrapped, so that we can better understand what students know and can do
We need a SpaceX for assessment, says writer. Testing must be improved, not scrapped, so that we can better understand what students know and can do
Standardized tests are back; they'll feel different and many students won't take them
Schools must give standardized tests this spring, Biden administration says
Nothing can answer questions about a student’s grasp of a subject the way a state test does. They show where we stand compared to the previous year in a rigorous, standardized way.
Suspending testing accountability is fine. But canceling exams will hurt students and deny states a chance to learn from the pandemic
This is a time for states to ask: Do our tests accurately measure the things that count? What better exams are available? How much are we willing to pay for a better test that assesses student learning, not simple recall, logic and test-taking ability?
Some have suggested testing students prior to school resuming in September to see whether they are ready to move up in a grade or would benefit from repeating the year. If we were to do that this year, why not every year?
How schools can change their culture of assessment to make scary tests into a road map for learning
A Fordham analysis of grading standards set by Algebra I teachers shows high expectations have long-term impacts and benefit all types of students.
High-stakes testing, contrary to what some might think, does not cause teachers to leave education or switch schools or districts, according to a new study