Why Do Toddlers Love Books? Experts Explain Your Mini Bookworm

Young children, especially toddlers, are developing a habit of learning through books. They can become more familiar with colors, sounds, a sense of touch, and sight words

Why your toddler can’t learn from a screen

Parents, are you thinking that relying on screens will help your toddlers learn? Think again, as studies show that toddlers have difficulty learning from digital devices

Toddler language learning: Richer and more complicated than you might think

Adults aren't the only language teachers: six-year-olds still produce sounds differently than adults, but toddlers are extremely good at understanding the speech of children six years and older.

How does playing with other children affect toddlers’ language learning?

Toddlers who have more exposure to other children were better at associating a new word to a new object, an important part of word learning.

Want to expand your toddler’s vocabulary? Find another child

Children learn a lot from their parents, but friends play an important role too. Childhood friends can help expand each other's vocabulary.

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