UN Warns on Post-Pandemic Child Literacy
The United Nations Secretary-General issued a warning about post-pandemic child literacy rates
The United Nations Secretary-General issued a warning about post-pandemic child literacy rates
More than half of all children who turn 10 this year will reach their milestone birthday without being able to read a simple sentence, according to a new analysis of UN data.
In 2017, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 71/288 on the role of language professionals in connecting nations and fostering peace, understanding and development, and declared 30 September as International Translation Day.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 860 million children worldwide are staying home from schools.
January 24 is the International Day of Education and this year, the theme is "Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace."
A free, open-access repository of multilingual children's stories is one response to the United Nations' urgent call to promote equitable education on the International Day of Education, January 24.
Promises by world leaders to raise global education standards by 2030 are unlikely to be kept, warns the United Nations' education agency.
The United Nations on Wednesday released its first-ever recommendations on physical activity and more for children under five
Edutopia - Jodie Deinhammer "Each year I start out with [...]
Language Magazine - Staff Writer "Learning languages is a promise [...]