Curricular Counsel: Parental support crucial to maximize virtual learning

Parental support is critical to ensuring the success of virtual learning

How to Tell if Distance Learning Is Working for Your Kid

Parents maybe wondering how they can gauge the success of distance learning. Are their children learning what they should? Experts suggest they should focus on outcomes. Learning Outcomes are a set of skills a student should master by the end of a school year.

Your Checklist for Virtual Project-Based Learning

Why now is the perfect time to introduce students to project-based learning. During distance learning well-designed projects allowed kids to work independently at home in a way that was engaging and provided continuity of learning.

The Best Home Office Gear For Virtual Back-To-School

Children are going back to school, albeit many are doing so from home. As parents you want to make sure their workspace is comfortable and will meet the demands of distance learning. Here's a few products that can help your remote learning student

4 ways to build student resilience

Students of all abilities can better cope with coronavirus-related uncertainties when educators help them with resilience—and teaching related skills can be done in-person or through virtual learning.

Combining distance learning with interactive, hands-on STEM

Hands-on STEM experiences aren't impossible when learning goes virtual--it just takes a little creativity to help engage students

How K–12 Schools Are Doing Summer School Virtually

In the era of social distancing, many school districts adopted alternative methods to best accommodate learning for students during the summer.

Cyberattacks Increasingly Threaten Schools — Here’s What to Know

With the shift to a virtual classroom, schools need to be extra vigilant about cybersecurity.

The world’s your classroom: 10 fun ways to home school

Running out of home schooling ideas? Take the kids on a virtual voyage with these interactive learning tools, from safaris to cooking lessons with an Italian chef

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