Creating Authentic Writing Opportunities in the Science Classroom

Encouraging students to write more frequently in science classes helps them become strong, versatile writers and deepens their scientific thinking.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-Based Curriculum Helps Improve Math and Writing Skills Too

How the Next Generation Science Standards can help improve students' math and writing skills

Here’s why students don’t revise what they write – and why they should

When high school students get into the habit of revising their writing, it has a positive impact on the quality of their work.

How to Promote Strong Writing Skills in Social Studies

Learning how to write well is essential for effective communication, and students benefit from getting a lot of practice in classes beyond English.

How to Help High School Students Develop Empathy

Writing exercises, opportunities for cultural exchange, and encouraging active listening can lead to more empathy among teens.

GUEST COLUM: Reading, writing… and financial literacy

Should financial literacy join reading, writing, and arithmetic as the building blocks of every child's education?

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