Published On: July 9th, 2019|

BBC – Katherine Sellgren

“”Childhood is very much worse – there is a great deal of difference,” says grandfather of 17 Norman Williams. “The freedoms we had when I was a child and the things I could do without any fear of bad actions from people. Children these days are stuck. “They stay at home and stare at a screen. They are not off their phones – ever,” says Norman, 72. His views come as a survey finds 60% of parents and 62% of grandparents think childhoods today are getting worse. The poll, by the charity Action for Children, surveyed 1,559 parents and 1,379 grandparents of children 11 to 18-year-olds. The charity also questioned 2,082 children 11 to 18-year-olds and found 91% were worrying about “adult issues” such as Brexit and poverty.” (more)