Published On: January 17th, 2016|

Forbes – Barbara Kurshan

“The recession of 2008 is often called “The Great Recession” with good reason. While there have been other historical recessions, the so-called Great Recession had a particularly significant broad and deep economic footprint. Like the memorable scene in Jurassic Park where T-Rex’s footsteps cause ripples in a glass of water even when he is far away, the recession created a ripple effect that has continued eight years later. It is only in the last few months that employment levels have started to return to their pre-recession levels. In the United States, the unemployment rate is hovering at around 5.5%, and in Canada it is hovering at around 7%. On the surface, this appears to be good news. However, a deeper look uncovers that we still haven’t fled from the T-Rex. Both of these employment figures are just a few decimal points above their respective 2008 rates before the recession. Moreover, approximately 13% of U.S. workers report concern about being laid off from their jobs.”(more)