Published On: May 9th, 2015|

Education Next – Jonathan Butcher

“In 2011, Kathy and Cristo Visser lost patience with their school district. The Vissers had recently moved from one part of Arizona to another, and their son, Jordan, had fit in nicely with his classmates in his previous elementary school. “Fitting in” was important to Kathy because Jordan has mild cerebral palsy and had struggled with his motor coordination and vision for all of his young life. Jordan’s diagnosis was so mild, Kathy says, that up until he entered first grade when the family was able to agree on some additional support with Jordan’s school, he hadn’t “fit in anywhere.” His symptoms were too mild to require full-time assistance, yet he still needed some help during the day to keep up with his classmates. His school was able to accommodate his unique needs. The Vissers hoped to find another good fit for Jordan after they moved.”(more)