Published On: June 18th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Victoria Juarez

“Nobel Peace Prize winner and education activist Malala Yousafzai is quoted with saying, “Every girl deserves to take part in creating the technology that will change our world and change who runs it.”…the need for qualified STEM workers is growing. By 2018, the bulk of STEM jobs will be in computing followed by engineering. Today, only about one in seven engineers is a woman in the US. And, while women hold half of all jobs in the U.S., less than 25% are in STEM fields. Meeting these needs tomorrow requires bringing more girls into the STEM picture today. It means expecting girls to do well in math and science at an early age, and shattering stereotypes that science is unfeminine or geeky or not “for a girl.” It’s about letting girls make mistakes and learn from them. It involves showing how STEM is already a part of their everyday lives.”(more)