Published On: June 5th, 2015| – Judith L. Page, PhD, CCC-SLP

“Sixty-eight percent of parents of two-year olds report their child uses a tablet at home, according to a recent survey of U.S. parents conducted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. In fact, it is not uncommon for today’s toddler to be connected via multiple devices including tablets, smartphones, and video game consoles, the survey showed…While the effects of all this technology are not yet fully known, we do know that the most rapid period of brain development for a child occurs before age 3. We also know that verbal communication is the primary way that young children learn. Consequently, it is critical that children are not preoccupied by solitary use of devices during this brief but critical developmental window, but instead are…actively engaging with their parents and other loved ones through talking, reading, singing, and playing. Technology is no substitute for these interactions.”(more)