Published On: December 25th, 2015| – James Morehead

“Almost everything we see, touch, use and enjoy is in some way built on code. It is frustrating, however, that diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) is hampered by stereotypes omnipresent in our contemporary entertainment, media and culture. According to recent a Google / Gallup report, “Underscoring the increasing demand for people with computer science skills in the labor market, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that jobs in computer and mathematical occupations will increase by 18% in the 10 years leading up to 2022, creating more than 1.3 million job openings by 2022.” How can you help encourage your children, students and their friends to consider STEM education and careers? Having spoken to thousands of students over the years I’ve focused on sharing three key messages in my presentations. I’ve found that these messages resonate with students, and I hope they will resonate with you.”(more)