Published On: June 9th, 2015|

The Telegraph – Javier Espinoza

“School girls must be more ‘disruptive’ in class because their ‘compliance’ means they fall behind in the world of work, said the head of Girls Day School Trust (GDST). Helen Fraser said girls are not able to succeed in the working life because they tend to be very compliant and companies reward risk takers instead. Her warnings followed research that showed that girls are able to excel within the school environment but when it comes to actually performing well in the office they worry about getting things right rather than be entrepreneurial. Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Ms Fraser, chief executive of the GDST and a former managing director of Penguin Booksm, said: “Our girls do very well at school and at university and quite well at their first job but they are not succeeding to the extent we would like them to. “Girls are good at school but not very good in their working lives. School tends to reward being very compliant, conscientious, getting things right but work rewards risk taking, entrepreneurialism, coming up with outrageous ideas.”(more)