Published On: July 28th, 2020|

KQED News Mind/Shift – Ryan Delaney

“The students are met at the school door with a thermometer and a health quiz, answering questions like “Are you feeling sick today?” Once they pass this quiz, the students in this summer enrichment program outside St. Louis proceed to folding chairs spread 10 feet apart across the gymnasium to eat breakfast alone. Eating so far from friends has been “not great” for Jada Randle. “It’s boring. You just have to sit away from people,” said the 10-year-old. Jennings School District, which educates about 2,500 students just north of St. Louis, is using this summer program to test an in-person school model that it will roll out for the entire district next month. The program highlights the challenges that lie ahead for schools as they try to safely reopen amid a raging pandemic.” (more)