Published On: September 28th, 2020|

KQED News Mind/Shift – Kara Newhouse

“When I think about math class being a place for performance, I think about the experiences that we may have had when we’re asked to talk about our thinking and we find it as if we’re being judged. “Correct.” “Not correct.” And it’s in public, in front of everyone. It’s more of an evaluation space in that moment. Instead, discussions can be a place where we’re all learning together from what anyone shares. If we shift our role as a teacher from an evaluator to more of someone that’s making sense out of ideas along with people, that’s a very different way of interacting. And the job of a student in the classroom is different. I’m going to explore with you. I’m going to share that idea. I’m not sure about it. And it’s OK. And there’s going to be something that we can learn from anyone’s idea.” (more)