Published On: May 1st, 2019|

KQED News Mind/Shift – Patricia C. Broderick

“Mindfulness, the awareness that is right here and right now, nonjudgmental, and open, sounds relaxed, calm, and actually pretty great. Many moments invite mindful savoring, such as when we begin our long-​awaited vacation, when we enjoy a delicious meal, or when we score the winning points for our team. But what happens when we really don’t want to be in this particular moment? For most teachers and students, it’s an experience we know all too well. Let’s imagine that this is the moment a parent challenges you in a meeting or the moment you learn that a colleague was diagnosed with a serious illness. For students, maybe this is the moment you make a mistake in class, do something awkward in front of your friends, or learn that you were left out of a social gathering.” (more)