Published On: October 11th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Byron Garrett

“As we hit our stride in this school year, now is the time to take the step back and focus on a bigger picture for our kids and families. As I’ve said before, we need to make sure kids learn about what success really means and that we start teaching them the pathway to greatness at the earliest of ages. I spent years as an education administrator getting children excited about learning and envisioning what their future could be. When I made my own transition into a businessman, author and public speaker, I used those same tools and skills, but used them to get adults excited about their professional and financial success. I realized then that there is a great divide between the success of children and adults for absolutely no reason. The reality is we need a life-long focus on greatness and we need to begin the search for success at the earliest of ages. We must embrace the notion that your origin does not equal your destination and if we want a successful America tomorrow, we need to empower kids today with positive messages about their potential. That’s why I wrote my newest book: to help families create the pathway to positivity and success. I want to share with you here some ways you can help model greatness in your family:.”(more)