Published On: November 8th, 2015|

The Kokomo Tribune – Lauren Slagter

“The main factor local administrators point to as evidence of a teacher shortage is the shrinking number of applicants for open teaching positions going into this school year compared to past years. Northwestern School Superintendent Ryan Snoddy said he received 30 applications this summer for an elementary teaching position that would have drawn 100 applicants in the past. “That’s where the change has come,” Snoddy said. “We have not had as deep of an applicant pool.” While all Northwestern’s open positions were filled before the start of the school year, Snoddy said it’s typically more difficult to hire for science, math and foreign language positions. Northwestern belongs to the Wabash Valley Consortium, which allows schools to share job openings and applicants. If the corporation is looking for someone with a specific credential, administrators will call universities’ colleges of education and ask for candidates.”(more)