Published On: January 24th, 2016|

Michigan Live – Linda S. Mah

“I can say that as long as people view the sciences as a shelf of information to be poured into someone’s head then science can be immensely denuded of all of all of its excitement. Excitement comes from exploration and curiosity, the application of curiosity to new problems that you’ve never seen before — because that’s what science does. There are two different scenarios in the work place, when you are asked to do something by your superiors. A person says I’m not trained for this or says, this is beyond what I’m supposed to be doing. If anyone gives that answer, that person is not a scientist or engineer. A scientist or engineer relishes new problems and they are equipped with problem-solving tools. Here’s a problem I know you’ve never seen before and you can do it. You can figure it out. The act of figuring out is the joy of the sciences.”(more)