Published On: June 24th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Teri W. Odom

“Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have a lot in common. They are both international leaders. Their public temperaments are even and not marred by personal crisis. And they both share a unique leadership style, where their overarching mission is to carry out their work for the common good. Their goals and influence go beyond that of Catholic parishioners and German citizens…Both Francis and Merkel are as effective as they are because of their training as scientists…The scientific approach to problem solving has its roots in critical and analytical thinking, teamwork, and creativity…Imagine if those in local and global leadership were trained in this way. Those leaders trained in STEM disciplines would surely have a leg up on those who had little to no exposure to scientific thinking. The world is a complex place. We need more science-trained leaders who will advocate for the common good in tense and fluid situations.”(more)