Published On: February 29th, 2016|

Chron – Andrea Vasquez

“”STEM camps serve as a spark to ignite the passions of students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, especially elementary-aged students,” said Andrew Vines, San Jacinto College department chair for chemistry, engineering, geology and physics. “Camps offer middle and high school students the opportunity to explore the many careers available to them in STEM as they decide which pathways to pursue in their lives.” For information on specific camp dates, times and registration, visit The Young Writers of Fantasy Fiction camp, ages 8-13, guides students through writing fantasy fiction. The camp will be held on the Central Campus, June 6-10, and the camp fee is $65. In the Arduino Network Team camp, students ages 12-16 will use Arduino kits to learn how NASA communicates with robotic probes in space. The camp takes place at the Central Campus, and the camp fee is $155. For specific camp dates, visit the San Jacinto College summer camps website.”(more)