Published On: December 22nd, 2015|

The Los Angeles Times – Howard Blume

“Students who enter Los Angeles charter schools are more academically advanced than their peers in traditional public schools, according to a study released Monday by researchers at UC Berkeley. Charter students in middle schools also stand out academically after they enroll in charters, making faster gains than similar students in traditional schools, according to the study. The findings add more fuel to the debate over charters but stops well short of settling the question of whether these schools are more effective at educating students. Charter school performance has come under scrutiny recently as a group of advocates and donors, spearheaded by the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, developed a proposal to enroll half of L.A. Unified School District students in charters. The plan, if pursued, could threaten the solvency of the school system, some district officials say.”(more)