Published On: June 29th, 2012|

Education Week – Heather Singmaster

“I had the honor of attending and presenting at the National Career Clusters Institute in Washington, DC last week. While I was there, I was one of the first to view the new Common Career Technical Core (CCTC), CTE’s version of the Common Core State Standards led by the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc). Like the Common Core, the CCTC work was a collaborative effort among states (42 of them) and included public comment and input from business and industry representatives, educators and others…What interested me were the explicit ties that were made to preparing students for a global economy. These are found in an overarching set of Career Ready Practices: 12 statements that accompany the CCTC and address the knowledge, skills and dispositions important to the workplace of the 21st century. In these, one can clearly see the definition of global competence.” (more)