Published On: December 14th, 2015|

Education World – Cathy Rubin

“Curriculum 2030 – Changing education to achieve the UN’s Global Goals, was the title of Education Fast Forward’s (EFF) 15th Live Global Debate, chaired by EFF Fellow Gavin Dykes. Education systems have primarily focused on academic attainment that is important and relatively easy to measure. The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, with their focus on People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership, will depend on education to develop new curricula and competencies to achieve them (the 4th goal is an explicit goal for education). Many believe the new competencies needed to tackle the global issues will be harder to measure. Will education systems be ready, willing and able to make the changes needed? Today in The Global Search for Education, I am joined by debate speakers Rebecca Ingram and Alexa Joyce. Rebecca Ingram is Senior Schools Advisor (International Development) at the British Council. Rebecca has worked across programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Alexa Joyce is Worldwide Director of Policy, Teaching and Learning at Microsoft. In this role, she supports national and regional governments and other education bodies in transforming education.”(more)