Published On: June 3rd, 2015|

NewsOK – Herb Scribner

“If you want your children to eat more fruits and vegetables, try this simple solution based on recent research: get them to grow their own produce. A new study from Cornell University found that children are more likely to eat salads and vegetables for lunch when they grow their own produce. In fact, the percentage of students who ate salad for lunch went from 2 to 10 percent when the salad included veggies that the child grew themselves…”When children are involved with growing and cooking food, it improves their diet,” the study’s author Debra Haire-Joshu said, according to Science Daily. “Students at schools with gardens learn about math and science and they also eat more fruits and vegetables. Kids eat healthier and they know more about eating healthy. It’s a winning and low-cost strategy to improve the nutrition of our children at a time when the pediatric obesity is an epidemic problem.””(more)