Published On: March 21st, 2020|

The Guardian – Zoe Williams

“You may have read about what Isaac Newton discovered while under quarantine, or that Shakespeare wrote King Lear during an outbreak of plague. This may be driving you crazy, as those people did not, history suggests, have sole care of a four-year-old and a six-year-old. You can console yourself, momentarily, with the timetables that parents are drawing up and putting on Twitter: 9am to 11am, Frozen; 11am to 11.05am, pizza; 11.05am to 1pm, fighting; 1pm to 3pm, Frozen II. But this will kill only 30 seconds. Even the most anarchic parent will recognise that they have to find a fruitful way to fill the days, which means trying to replicate the formal education the kids are missing.” (more)