U.S. News & World Report – Lauren Camera
“A sweeping report about the state of education across the globe shows that overall, countries are making big strides on several important education indicators, from prekindergarten through the higher education space and into the workplace. But compared to many industrialized countries, the U.S. is lagging in a number of areas, according to “Education at a Glance 2015,” the 600-page report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD. For example, the U.S. still ranks high when it comes to the number of people earning degrees, but other countries are catching up, and tuition in other countries is nowhere near as pricey. On the K-12 front, educators in the U.S. teach for longer hours, but get paid less. And the U.S. ranks at the bottom when it comes to the number of children attending an early childhood education program.”(more)