Published On: July 25th, 2012|

Education Week – Justin Reich

“I was really lucky last evening to grab a beer after work with Mike Marriner, one of the founders of RoadTrip Nation… Roadtrip Nation wants to help young people discover their interests and passions through the great American rite of the road trip. When Mike talks about young people, you feel the catch in his throat, the knot in his stomach, when he talks about kids who can’t imagine their future, who can’t find a reason to go to college, or who can’t figure out how to choose a major once they get there. He sees school as a place not just for filling brains with stuff, but for giving children a reason to want to learn in the first place. The Roadtrip Nation education program helps students begin to explore their own interests, and then interview and visit with the local politicians, small business owners, tradesmen, and interesting people in their own community.”(more)