Published On: June 5th, 2016|

The Hechinger Report – Brandon Johnson

“Can we teach all students? In an increasingly diverse nation, I want you to consider the question. If you are not sure, it’s o.k. Now I want you to imagine a world where you would not have to do this — a world where everyone ate the same food, did the same job, drove the same car, lived in the same type of house and had all the same beliefs. Are you thinking what I am thinking, that this would be a horrible world? The needs for freedom in choice and personalization of service are fundamental truths many of us value and appreciate. In almost every facet of our day we receive some type of personalization, whether through the food we order, the medicine we receive, or the cars we drive. Every decision that we make is guided by a choice of options that are tailored to a diverse want or need.”(more)