Published On: April 30th, 2015| – Peter Bidey, DO

“Recently, the Canadian Taskforce on Preventive Health released recommendations about the identification and management of childhood obesity in primary care. Our friends in the North are not alone in this problem. Currently, one-third of children and adolescents in the United States are classified as either overweight or obese…Luckily, your child’s primary care physician can be your first line resource for identifying and helping with weight management…Two approaches are needed when implementing a weight management plan. First, we can deal with the behavior modifications. Here, physicians can discuss behavioral weight management techniques with both the child and the parents using motivational interviewing…The second component in weight management plan deals with improving diet and exercise…Dealing with childhood obesity has no easy answer and sadly there is no quick fix. It is always a good idea to consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise plan especially in children. Most importantly, remember to stay positive and to support your children during these tough interventions. All the hard work will benefit everyone in the end.”(more)