Published On: January 5th, 2020|

The Guardian – John Naughton

“I’m writing this on my nice new Raspberry Pi. If you’re not a geek, this may suggest a columnist who has lost what remains of his marbles. But rest assured: I am not joking. The Pi is a fully functioning credit-card sized computer running a modern version of the Linux operating system. I bought it as a Christmas treat – and also as a project. The total cost – for the latest version, with 4GB of ram – was £114. For this, I got the highest-spec version of the motherboard, a keyboard and mouse, a micro-to-standard HDMI cable, a power supply, a case for the device, the official Beginner’s Guide and a micro SD card with the operating system on it. All I needed was a TV or a monitor with an HDMI input (which I guess most households now possess).” (more)